This video is a window into my own heart. If you already watched it on the "word" page as an example of preaching a sermon, you now know what makes me come alive, personally. If not, I've put it here again, because although it is a sermon, it's a sermon ABOUT worship! And one of the aspects of worship that I get excited about. It's called "Why Sunday?" Why do we gather on a Sunday? And why, when we gather do we sing? Of course, Sunday is not everything. But what we do on a Sunday is (or can be) a microcosm of Christian life as whole, and it is a picture of the end when all will gather around the one throne. After Christmas one year, Pastor Alex Kennedy from Carmel Baptist Church asked me to preach on whatever I wanted. This is what I wanted to say ...
"And try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord" Ephesians 5:10
"And when the hour is come that he must speak, he ought, before he opens his mouth, to lift up his thirsty soul to God in prayer, to drink in what he is about to pour forth, and to be himself filled with what he is about to distribute."
St. Augustine of Hippo